TRICHODERMA VERIDE (10.9) a totally Organic Cellulose Solubullser & Natural Fungicide. protect against all kinds of soil borne fungul infaction. Also act as a cellulose breaking agent.
Viricure is a research product based on Tricoderma Viride bacteria. It should be used at the time of soil preparation to ensure sufficient colonisation of bacteria during the plantation process.
Presence of Tricoderma viride has a natural fungicidal property , which prevents most of the Soil borne fungal infection like Stem rot , Root Witt & other types of infections caused from Phytopothora , Rhyzocotnia , Colitotricum etc.
It can also be used to sanitize seeds & saplings to make them healthy and increase their resistance. Tricoderma Viride breaks down and reduces the size of the phosphate granules in soil to make it more suitable for absorption by plants. It also converts the residual stems of the plants which is left after harvesting into cellulose to prepare the soil for the next crop.
Not to be used with chemical fertilizer or insecticides.
Overall, it is an very effective & economical addition to USHA Bio organic manure fertilizer for Environment friendly and organic farming.
Powder form in 1 KG laminated foil packaging.
Mix 5 gms with 1 Litre of water and spray on the infected part.Mix 25 Gms. With 10 Litre of & soak the roots of the saplings before sowing. Apply 5 gms. To 1 Kg. of seed & dry in a cool place before sowing.